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Knowing myself better

DATE: 24/9/2023 | News

Sophia Koukourli - Art Psychotherapist

Experiential Workshops Art Therapy-Groups of Adolescents New Circle 2023-2024

Adolescence is a period of transition. Young people experience important changes that start gradually, leading them to the desire in creating their own “identity” with consequential independence and autonomy.  

Relationships are under negotiation and the need for redefinition is emerged. The daily changes of the adolescents, their intense reactions, the challenges that exist nowadays and their increasingly pressing daily routine, highly encumber them.

Despite the anxiety and disorganization these changes may cause, they are an important and necessary step for the development of their personality. The Experiential Workshops Art as Therapy offer a safe environment of self-expression, a space of freedom and creative externalization of their feelings and concerns that are difficult to express with words.

Painting, a familiar procedure for them, since for years it has been their daily activity, is the means of approach. Painting skills are not required.

Art Therapy encourages and rewards their effort for autonomy and taking responsibilities and invites them to participate in finding solutions in their everyday difficulties, disagreements and communicational problems.

The participants in groups come closer to their feelings, dreams and concerns, knowing themselves better.

Location: Tinos and Athens

Contact number: +30 6943 470 586


Art Psychotherapist: Sophia Koukourli 

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“Knowing thyself” (gnothi sauton) is the actual getting to knowing ourselves. Its true essence lies in caring for the soul, self-awareness, awareness of our skills, abilities and potential. It helps us understand the way we could act in order to gain the real self-awareness.

P.P.Germanou 13,
153 41 Agia Paraskevi, Athens

Tel.: +30 210 6397284
Mob.: +30 6943 470586

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