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Knowing thyself in better way I: I am

DATE: 14/1/2018 | News

Sophia Koukourli, Art Psychotherapist

Art Therapy Workshop

The first series of 4 Art Therapy Workshops for Adults  was successfully completed and is repeated!

Come and get to know yourself more profoundly though creativity that Art Therapy offers and gain self-awareness.

A dot of color can act as the pretext for truths that are inside you to come out in the light.

Self- discovery through Art Therapy gives emphasis on self-expression, offering a space of uninhibited and creative manifestation of feelings that can be hard to put into words.

The workshops are addressed to all adults and to participate there is no need to know how to paint or any other special skill.

The participants, individuals with personal interest or professionals, will have the chance to experiment, liberate their own images and discover the benefits of expression through art. The workshop experience provides a safe way to accomplish relaxation, tranquility and harmony.

Place: Trii Art Hub, 9 Drakou str., Athens (Metro Fix)

Dates: 24/1, 31/1, 7/2, 14/2

Hours: 18:00 – 20:00

Registration: 210 9210333, 6985 904504


Art Psychotherapist: Sophia Koukourli  (M.A. Art Psychotherapy) 


Forthcoming series of Art Therapy Workshops:

Knowing myself in a better way II: I accept

Knowing myself in a better way III: I experience

Knowing myself in a better way IV: I develop


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“Knowing thyself” (gnothi sauton) is the actual getting to knowing ourselves. Its true essence lies in caring for the soul, self-awareness, awareness of our skills, abilities and potential. It helps us understand the way we could act in order to gain the real self-awareness.

P.P.Germanou 13,
153 41 Agia Paraskevi, Athens

Tel.: +30 210 6397284
Mob.: +30 6943 470586

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